Everything you need to know

Find The Right Freelancer

Easy Steps To Find A Freelancer : Use Cowdiar’s search and filters to find the perfect freelancer for your project. Once you have found a service you would like to order, Click on the Gig.

Choosing the Right Freelancer is made Easy :
1. Check out the freelancer’s work samples
2. Check out the Feedback from previous buyers
3. Choose the package that is appropriate for you.
4. Contact the freelancer with any inquiries to make sure they perfectly meet your expectations.

Browse Services

1. Can I pay with my credit card?
Of course. You can pay for your orders with credit as well as debit card and other available payment options by filling up the required details. For more information on Paying for Services

2. What if I'm not happy with my delivery?
If you are not happy with your delivery, You can always ask the seller for
revisions. You can also resolve any other issues with your order through our Resolution center services.

3. What do the seller levels mean?
A seller level is a status earned by sellers based on ratings, feedback, quality in work and other factors.

4. How do I contact the seller before I place my order?
You can contact the seller by clicking on the “Contact me” button on the Gig page. We also recommend contacting your seller before placing the order especially if you have specific work requirements.

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